de rätta svaren

1) Some months have 31 days. How many have 28? RÄTT = 12 (Ja alla månader har ju minst 28 dagar!)
2)Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What do you get? RÄTT = 70
3)The doctor gives you three tablets to take one every halv an hour. How long will the tablets long? RÄTT= 60 MIN! (första tabletten 0 min, andra tabletten 30 min, tredje 60 min)
4)How many birthdays does a average man have? RÄTT = 1  
5)If there are 23 apples and we take 14. How many apples do we have? RÄTT=14 (we TAKE 14 = VI HAR 14)
6)How many animals of each sex did Moses put in the ark? RÄTT = 0, det var ju Noaks ark! 
7)A farmer has 16 sheep and all except 9 die. How many does he have left? RÄTT= 9 (alla utom 9 dog) 
8)How many 2cent coins are there in a dozen? RÄTT= 12 (Dozen=dussin)
9)You are in a race and overtake the person in second place. What position are you in now? RÄTT = SECOND
10)Lucy's father has five daughters. Nana, Nene, Nini, Nunu. What is the name of the fifth daugher? RÄTT = Lucy (Lucy's father...)

några protester? nej trodde väl det.

Postat av: emelie

jag har protest!!!!!

ett dussin är 12, det var 2centare ;) hm..

2009-10-27 @ 10:06:42
Postat av: M.A

Du kan ha rätt emelie.. men du kan också ha fel. Jag tror du har fel :)

2009-10-30 @ 01:17:07

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